The Many Faces Of Sundance

The Sundance Film Festival took over the town of Park City this past Thursday January 18 and continues through the 28th of this month.  The festival is an important driver of economic activity in Park City and is also a chance to see a great movie or people watch and see who you run into.


One of the well known locals secrets regarding Sundance is that since most of the hotel rooms in town are occupied by festival goers it is one of the best times to ski in Park City in the entire winter.  I went up for the day yesterday and on the best powder day of the year I skied onto every chair with no wait.

Here is a picture I shot at the Park City Resort parking lot this past Friday at 9:15.  Typically this time of day in mid January the parking lot would already be nearing capacity.


If you want to take a break from Sundance to see the amazing homes and lots we have available at Hideout Canyon and Soaring Hawk contact exclusive list agent Rich Fine at 435-640-2124.  Sales office open daily.

Scott Larson
Director of Sales and Marketing
Hideout Canyon/Soaring Hawk